New Studio Consulting

Consulted on branding, community management, go-to-market strategy, and fundamental game development practices with brand new studios eager to step into the gaming world.

At the outset of the Web3 / metaverse boom, many operations had their eyes on making a game for the first time. I advised them on the requisites of successful games and identified what I thought would be the most likely challenges — and pitfalls.

While there was some promise in the spirit of concepts like Fast Break Labs’ Virtual Basketball Association (VBA) and Screenshot Labs’ Everai, ultimately the inherent flaws in NFT and play-to-earn models became apparent and unavoidable. Great creative and branding could not overcome core gameplay design that didn’t jibe with players.

While I continue to keep an open mind when it comes to the future of gaming and the integration of new platforms & technology, consulting has reinforced that it’s equally important to understand not just what draws players to a game, but what makes it a game worth playing in the first place.